The Hour is Coming (John 16:25-33)

“The pac Romana (the Roman peace) was won and maintained by a brutal sword; not a few Jews thought the messianic peace would have to be secured by a still mightier sword. Instead, it was secured by an innocent man who suffered and died at the hands of the Romans, of the Jews, and of all of us. And by his death he effected for his own followers peace with God, and therefore ‘the peace of God which transcends all understanding’ (Phil.4:7).”

— D.A. Carson, The Gospel According to John

The Work of the Holy Spirit (John 16:4-15)

“Come O Spirit comfort true, 
Help us by Your pleading. 
Come and every heart renew 
Breath of God proceeding 
You alone to God can win us 
Spirit now work good within us

Come our conscience to relieve 
From the sin remembered.
Come our Savior’s blood to plead,
Naked we surrender.
Sin hath left a wound revealing,
Spirit help us with Your healing
All our riches all our crowns

Cast we now before Thee
Scales removeth chains unbounded
Boldly we implore Thee
As You knit us once together
Fasten us to You forever.”

Isaac Wardell

The Results and Root of Faith (John 13:1-20)

Q. What is true faith?

A. True faith is not only a sure knowledge by which I hold as true all that God has revealed to us in Scripture; it is also a wholehearted trust, which the Holy Spirit creates in me by the gospel, that God has freely granted, not only to others but to me also, forgiveness of sins, eternal righteousness, and salvation. These are gifts of sheer grace, granted solely by Christ’s merit.

—Heidelberg Catechism, Q&A 21

Mary's Act of Devotion (John 12:1-11)

“The sisters were heartbroken when Lazarus died. They must have felt sure that they knew what their heart’s desires were, and they must also have felt sure that they had lost them forever. But what the story of Mary of Bethany shows is that a person can feel sure about these things and still be altogether mistaken.”

Eleonore Stump, Wandering in Darkness